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Chapter 2: Hiragana set sa-so

This is the character 'sa' pronounced like the word 'saw' in English. I think it kind of looks like a saw cutting across a piece of wood, so it's easy to remember.

This is the Hiragana character 'shi' but pronounced like the word 'she' in English. It looks like a fiSHY hook.

This is the character 'su' pronounced like the name 'Sue' in English. Remember it that way: Curly Sue.

This is the character 'se' pronounced like the first syllable in the word 'seven' - it looks like a bunch of 7's mashed together from all directions, too.

This is the character 'so' pronounced like the 'so' in the word 'soap.' It looks like someone took a bar of soap and soaped up your window.

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