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Ch. 2: Nan-sai desu ka? (How old are you?)

To say your age, find out what the number is first and then add -sai to the end.

A person who is 10 years old would say: Watashi wa, juusai desu. 私は、十歳です。(わたしは、じゅうさいです。)

A person who is 15 years old would say: Watashi wa, juu-gosai desu. 私は、十五歳です。  


Reaching the age of 20 qualifies you as an official adult in Japanese culture, so when someone is 20, they say: hatachi desu. 二十歳です(はたちです)

issai - 1 year old

nisai - 2 years old

sansai - 3 years old

yonsai - 4 years old

gosai - 5 years old

rokusai - 6 years old

nanasai - 7 years old

hassai - 8 years old

kyuusai - 9 years old

juusai - 10 years old

***juuissai - 11 years old

***juuhassai - 18 years old

***Note that when you run into a situation where -chi is followed by -sai, they gloss together.


nijuu-issai - 21 years old

nijuu-hassai - 28 years old

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